Wednesday, 2 April 2014

HIMYM farewell, Friends & 2nd

How I met your mother cast
How I met your mother

Meet 2nd, my friends and Convivio, our bar...

For me it all started in 2007 when for coincidence I saw one episode on tv. I remember pretty well, I was at 2nd, the living room full with my flat mates and the laughs didn't stopped during the show. I immediately google it and after that me and my mates saw all the episodes available at that moment.

The journey continued until today, the day of the HIMYM farewell.
Sometimes tv shows like this one or FRIENDS aren't a waste of time, sometimes they are a roller coaster of emotions and it is funny how in some moments you can identify yourself with the characters and the frequent comparisons that you make between the characters and your mates and yourself. Also the laughs that I share with my mates it's something that will persist forever in my memory, specially with FRIENDS.

Behind a good story there always a lesson and in this case for me it was that your friends are your real and unique achievement in this journey and that no matter what, life is a full circle that I want to believe that going to end up well.
Cheers and let's stay together as much as we can bros, like real families do.

friends tv show
2nd Floor 2006 Aveiro
2nd Floor 2006
2nd family 2009
2nd Floor 2009
2nd floor 2010
2nd Floor 2010
Convivio Aveiro 2nd çeia natal
Convivio Bar - (Our "Central Perk" or "Maclaren's Pub")