Tuesday, 29 December 2015

My List of Concerts in 2013

publico iron maiden 2013 atlantico
Crowd at Iron Maiden Portugal 2013

Iron Maiden, Fat Freddy's Drop & More...

cartaz enterro aveiro 2013
Cartaz Enterro 2013

April for me, it's usually when the live concerts begin. “Semana do Enterro” had just started and I went there two nights to see “Rui Veloso” & “Gabriel o Pensador”.Two excellent concerts in two different “Portuguese” versions.

That year was a year to review some bands that I already saw in a festival but never on a show by their own. Let's talk about big players.

bilhete iron maiden 2013
My ticket Iron Maiden Portugal 2013

It was May, the month of the force (I am a Star Wars fan) and Iron Maiden were back in town for a concert in Atlantico. They never disappoint and it was a HUGE show, fantastic!! They have robots, they have flags, they have fantastic sets, it's amazing! “It’s like an opera”!

fat freddys drop bilhete 2013 coliseu
My ticket Fat Freddy's Drop Coliseu 2013

Let’s chill with some reggae music, but with very talented people and let’s go to Lisbon to see Fat Freddy’s Drop. It was much better that at Ericeira, as I predicted. They give a fantastic concert, they are great musicians and I want to see them whenever I can.