Crowd at Iron Maiden Portugal 2013 |
Iron Maiden, Fat Freddy's Drop & More...
Cartaz Enterro 2013 |
April for me, it's usually when the live concerts begin. “Semana do Enterro” had just started and I went there two nights to see “Rui Veloso” & “Gabriel o Pensador”.Two excellent concerts in two different “Portuguese” versions.
That year was a year to review some bands that I already saw in a festival but never on a show by their own. Let's talk about big players.
My ticket Iron Maiden Portugal 2013 |
It was May, the month of the force (I am a Star Wars fan) and Iron Maiden were back in town for a concert in Atlantico. They never disappoint and it was a HUGE show, fantastic!! They have robots, they have flags, they have fantastic sets, it's amazing! “It’s like an opera”!
My ticket Fat Freddy's Drop Coliseu 2013 |
Let’s chill with some reggae music, but with very talented people and let’s go to Lisbon to see Fat Freddy’s Drop. It was much better that at Ericeira, as I predicted. They give a fantastic concert, they are great musicians and I want to see them whenever I can.