Tuesday, 29 December 2015

My List of Concerts in 2014

cartaz enterro aveiro 2014
Cartaz Semana Enterro Aveiro 2014

Semana do Enterro & Sines

2014 was poor regarding live concerts, I attended to another “Semana do Enterro”, three nights I guess and the highlight was UB40. The dinosaurs still know how to do it : )

cartaz FMM 2014
Cartaz FMM Sines 2014

I come back to Sines in a road trip in a camper van and it was amazing. Sines is always great and in a camper van even better it gets. I just remember that I never share with you the fact that this festival happen inside a castle and after that it continues in the beach. Every year, in the last night inside the castle this firework show happen as you can see in this image. It is magical! 

FMM fogo castelo
Fireworks inside the castle - FMM Sines